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For anyone looking to Save Their Marriage

"New Book Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach That Rebuilds The Love, Trust, and Intimacy In Your Relationship - Even If Your Partner Doesn't Want to Change"

Without counseling or long therapy sessions - So you can live like newlyweds again

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What is the Soul Bonding Technique?

Soul Bonding Technique is a counterintuitive approach to Save Your Marriage. It allows you to Rekindle your relationship with your partner in 8 weeks or less without spending 100’s of hours on counseling or lengthy therapy sessions.

We achieve this by using a series of psychological techniques backed by 50+ years of clinical research, without repeatedly revisiting your painful memories.

This frees you up to focus on raising great kids and other priorities weighing on your mind at this moment......

all while having the marriage of your dreams. - this is the Soul Bonding Technique.

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The Soul Bonding Technique is A Shortcut

Before I created the Soul Bonding Technique - I was struggling with my marriage for years and was on the verge of giving up.

I tried everything I could, 

Gifts, Trips, being a nicer guy…

Heck, I even Visited 6 different therapists in only 3 months….but none of that could help me out.

This led me to question everything and eventually turn the entire therapy model upside down, breaking all the rules and freeing me from the chains of traditional marriage advice that does not work.

After 13 years of trial-and-error, testing everything and figuring things out the hard way,

I've finally reached a point where… 

I have not only saved my marriage but 2000+ marriages from falling apart. 

My work in this field feels like a life-calling. All of my friends and family come to me for advice and it never feels like work.

The Soul Bonding Technique has worked EVERY TIME…

And now, you can use this technique in your marriage by downloading a $5.00 ebook.

Here's how it works:



Soul Bonding Technique

Rekindle your relationship with your partner in 8 weeks or less

4 FREE Fast Action Bonuses


Red Flag Workbook

4 Signs that you relationship is headed towards disaster and how to fix it before its to late.


Listening Made Easy

Do you feel like you're constantly left unheard in your relationship?

Get your partner to understand your side of the story, and actually make meaningful change.


Re-Engage Revolution

Your Marriage wasn't meant to be cold and distant. It was meant to be fun, passionate, and intimate.

In this short series I show you exactly how to get your partner back, and invested in your relationship.


Way Back Technique

Learn to leverage your shared love story to strengthen your bond and build excitement for a future with the person you love.

Here's What Others Have To Say


"She feels better about me. I can see it in her eyes now."


"Counselling and therapy did not work for me. However now things have changed"


"We’re spending more time together where we make sure it’s just us. It has been a game changer for us."


"I am more aware of myself and my thinking process and what I expect from him. This has been awesome."


Here's how i went from a rocky unstable marriage on the verge of divorce to now being married for over 13 years with 4 kids by ignoring the common wisdom breaking all the rules, and turning the therapy model upside down

What You're About To Learn Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've Ever Heard Of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Soul Bonding Technique.

Dear Future Happily Wed,

From: The laptop of Dr. Jon Dabach

Los Angeles, California

Crisp and Sunny.

Re: Successfully save your marriage (and why this is your only way out)

Would it surprise you to learn that I saved 2000+ marriages from falling apart by simply using the information revealed in this 168-page book?


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, let me make this clear:

99% of you will never find this information.

It is a product of 10000+ hours of personally researching every possible topic…

from Gottman to attachment theory, Imago, IFC and so on…

Also, the references I’m using are for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

How I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Technique That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Soul Bonding Technique that Married Couples from all over the world are now using to rekindle with their partners…

Build Intimacy faster than ever before…

All while experiencing the commitment and dedication they once had in their marriages...

...And best of all to feel like Newlyweds again.

Just Like Danny, Who Downloaded The Soul Bonding Technique Book A Few Months Ago And Soon After Completely Transformed His Marriage.

And even though he completely transformed his marriage, that's not the best part...

The best part is How much they love each other again.

And Danny isn’t the only one either…

This Is Nichole, Another Soul Bonding Bonding Technique Owner, Who Downloaded The Book Not Too Long Ago…

...And soon she saved her failing marriage…

Here’s another Soul Bonding Technique owner who started using these strategies…

Meet Sylvia Who Got on a call with me after going through The Soul Bonding Technique

Danny, Nichole and Sylvia Are A Group Of Over 1,000 New Wave Of The Soul Bonding Technique Owners Who Are Doing Things Differently…

And you can BET...

The Soul Bonding Technique is unlike any method you ever heard of before…

…This is something completely different, because…

  • We don’t focus on trying to change your partner

  • We don’t focus on bringing up the past.

  • We don’t focus on pointing fingers at your partner.

  • We don’t focus on superficial gestures or grand displays of affection.

  • We don’t focus on external validation.

In fact: we rarely (if ever) neglect your wants and needs

Instead We Focus on getting Divorce Completely off the table by focusing on building a secure, loving, sustainable attachment of love...

Like I said...

This is completely different and has the power to completely change everything for you...

…and I know that’s true…

Because it changed everything for me and the 2000+ Marriages I saved.

The Soul Bonding Technique allowed me to cut out 99% of the BS I hated about bridging the icy gap between former lovers…

  • Like Describing normal life as a problem in counseling.

  • Like Trying to be someone I am not.

  • ​​Like Sacrificing my dreams and goals.

  • Like Begging for love and affection.

  • Like Isolating myself from my friends and family.

  • Like the Fear of being alone.

The Soul Bonding Technique Freed Me From All That, Allowing Me To turn my marriage into an unbreakable bond.

Here’s what my life used to look like (and if you’re trying everything you can to save your marriage, then I'm sure you can relate too)…

I call this the “Marriage Saving Cycle Of Doom”:

  • Step 1 - Visiting a marriage counselor.

  • Step 2 - Receiving criticism, not advice.

  • Step 3 - Wasting time and money with no relief in sight.

  • Step 4 - Forced apologies, no resolution.

  • Step 5 - Pretending to be happy.

  • Step 6 - Trying to control your partner's behavior.

  • Step 7 - Losing all hope in the counselor.

  • Step 8 - Start over.

The Marriage Saving Cycle Of Doom not only sucked but kept me stuck for an entire year -

forcing me to stay in an unstable marriage while working my ass off.

To be honest…

...I almost gave up on this whole idea of a happy marriage.

... But before I gave up...

I wanted to try something.

Something that - if it worked.

It would change everything.

And as you're about to find out, what I tried...

... It worked...

And I spent years turning it into a system...

And I Put This Entire System In A 168 Page Book Called The “Soul Bonding Technique” And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do.

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

My name’s Dr. Jon Dabach, PhD…

You probably haven’t heard that name before. That’s by design.

My Wife and I choose to keep our intimate lives private.

My life’s pretty good… My wife and I have been happily Married for the past decade, 4 kids, still going on adventures (Not Robotic “date nights”), and as a result, we’re still in super passionate love with each other…

…If you know what I mean ;)...

That happiness bleeds into all the other areas of my life and I get to live my dream life every day...

As of writing this, I’m currently living in Los Angeles CA.

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That I'm the Luckiest person on earth - so lets talk about where i was on august 1 2010

I was 26 and living in LA.

I had just married my wife and in no time my marriage became a nightmare.

I had no idea how to deal with arguments.

I had no understanding of her needs.

... and everything I did made matters even worse.

I had zero focus and was overwhelmed with where my life seemed to be heading.

There’s a stupid myth out there that “A grand romantic gesture will solve any problem in your marriage”.

Classic marriage counselling advice.

… Well most times it doesn’t.

And if you want to save your marriage it’s rarely the answer...

I know, because I tried.

I also tried every other advice that was thrown at me.

I gave it everything I had.

And it didn’t work.

Because I played by the rules and I did everything right...

I Ended Up With A Loveless Marriage that was extremely unstable And i hated it...

I hated it because I loved my wife more than anything in this world.

I always dreamt of a happily married life...

...and following traditional therapy and counseling advice wasn't going to work. 

So I did what everyone else out there does in this situation.

I started looking for a way out.

I looked everywhere.

I studied the Gottman Method


Attachment Theory…



And I tried every marriage-saving method imaginable. 

I became an avid student of human nature.

People started to fascinate me.

Before long, our marriage was back on track. 

Words can't capture the joy of being with a partner who truly loves you. 

But that wasn’t the only good thing that happened.

Everyone in my family and friends started to come to me for advice.

I kept learning more and found out that…

Bringing back the love and intimacy in your marriage is pretty easy.

And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

It works even if your partner doesn’t want to change.

This means all you have to do is...

Understand these techniques.

Put them into action. 

And results follow…My wife and I were on vacation and we got into a big public argument.I decided to use the system I developed to end the fight. Long stories short…It worked again…I had saved a very expensive vacation from going down the drain, got my wife excited to be with me again, and we had the best trip we’ve ever been on. It was then that I knew this worked.

And That Was The Birth Of My Couples Therapy Business

After doing a bit of research and getting my PhD - I started to take on clients.

Of course, it wasn’t easy.

It was difficult to work with people from such different backgrounds and situations. 

One thing I knew was how to use the techniques I've learnt

And even though I had saved my own marriage and guided my relatives and friends…

I still had to make sure that this system worked with every type of marriage,

No matter the background of the couple.

Looking back, those first 5 years were brutal.

Late nights.

Hard work.



I was doing what I thought I had to do.

But it wasn’t working.

That was my life and I was ready to quit.

But thankfully, I didn't...

That Was 10 Years Ago And Fast Forward Today, The Past Almost Seems Like A Bad Dream

I proved the idea of “following the traditional counselling path” to be all wrong…

Instead of wasting time doing things that do not work, I focus on techniques that have worked for 1000’s of people to date...

I get results like these all day, every day.

I am a homebody who loves his wife and kids.

My work in this field feels like a life calling more than a profession.

Unlike most couples who fail to get their marriage back on track.

46% of marriages end in divorce in the United States.

You see if the traditional advice worked, so many couples wouldn’t end up losing their marriages

I did this for years, and it not only drove me crazy…

It drove me to the point where I was neglecting all the problems in my relationship… 

Instead of me facing them head-on. I hated the daily arguments but they would never end.

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is Between The Soul Bonding Technique And typical “Counseling”?

Others focus on solving Unsolvable problems.

They basically try to control the behaviour of their partner…

Rather than doing all those things I mentioned above to get a Happy Loving marriage, here’s what it looks like now…

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

I was able to help 1000’s of people save their marriages using the Soul Bonding Technique

All this Naturally Leads To…

Getting DMs, emails and people turning up at my studio to work with me one on one.

And the best part is that most of them completely transform their marriages…

And that brings me the greatest joy.

It’s actually a marriage where you completely replace Anger And Resentment with Love And Appreciation …

How many other strategies have you seen come and go through the years?

  • Strategies from People who claim they can save your marriage when they're not married themselves...

  • Or strategies from people who have no professional experience in traditional therapy to know what works and what doesn’t...

  • Or strategies that are completely focused on spiritual stuff neglecting the science and research…

My Strategies have worked for 2000+ couples for the last 13 years.

Now, speaking of the technique...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

I am actually making a loss by giving you this.

And the other gurus out there are making loads of money by teaching the opposite of what I teach (except it doesn't work).

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Couples Make Is trying to do surface-level things and thinking their marriage will somehow work!

Here’s why:

There are two types of partners out there.

There are the "Tactic Junkies"  and there are "Spiritualists".

For the first 3 years of my marriage - I was the first type.

Tactic Junkies are always out there trying to find a new tactic to use in their marriage.

They keep hopping from one counsellor or therapist to another.

Their strategy is to try their best to change their partner's behaviour.

Or in many cases trying to manipulate them.

And by focusing on this strategy - they spend a ton of time and energy on...

  • Applying generic advice without considering the unique dynamics of their own relationship.

  • Expecting their partner to change without them trying.

  • Trying Harder to Show Them How Much They Love Them

  • Constantly looking for a problem in the counsellor or even their partner instead of looking at themselves.

The problem isn't the model itself it's Not knowing the other part of the equation. 

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the Soul Bonding Technique.

The solution?

Focusing on both the methods backed by clinical research and your spiritual side.

That's right...

I said it, we use a combination of all the techniques from Gottman, Imago and other methods…

To meditations and manifestation techniques. ( Fun fact I am a clinical Therapist who got the nickname Mr. Spirituality. )

...Because I know you’d rather solve the problems in your rear view mirror than spin your wheels, make yourself crazy, and end up pushing him further away.

No thanks. I did that before, and it sucks.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in Soul Bonding Technique; it's a 168-page book that shows you everything you need to know.

So Here's The Big Idea Behind The Soul Bonding Technique

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of Marriage.

Divorces are at a record high in Western Society.

Close to 1 million couples filed for divorce in the United States last year…

46% of couples will ultimately divorce each other.

This has created a huge wave of fear.

Now, most of these couples are looking for a new solution...

And as you may have guessed it - we have it.

And what's really cool is I have 100’s of testimonials to back it up.

Given A Choice couples would Rather listen to a counsellor Than dive deep and actually solve the problems in their marriage

And that's where the Soul Bonding Technique comes in...

It does this beautifully in 4 easy steps...

And that’s the difference here. 

When you are improving your marriage using this technique the results are fast and easy.

Because in the end, it’s 70% mindset and 30% strategies.

And this is exactly why counselling does not work…

You waste all this time and money, visiting counsellors instead of using what’s proven to work.

I’m not saying visiting counsellors is bad.

What I’m saying is if your goal is to bring back the love and intimacy in your marriage… 

Waiting for years for the counsellor to figure out your problem isn't the fastest way.

And also the incentives aren’t aligned.

Their incentive is for you to keep coming so that they can make more money from you…

While you want to save your marriage as fast as you can.

And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? I'll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise

You can improve your marriage fast.

And once you start using this Soul Bonding Technique...

Getting the Love and Intimacy in your marriage isn’t something you ever need to worry about again - or even think about.

It requires some work in the initial days and then off you go.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 15 days from today.

Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the Soul Bonding Technique book.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first signs of improvements

That’s how easy this is. 

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

And Just A Few Years Ago… I’d Tell You That You’re Crazy If You’d Ever Believe Such Model Existed…

…But, today I know better.


I don’t care how many times you’ve tried to Improve your marriage and failed…

I promise you this…

Anyone can bring back the love and intimacy in their marriage with the right technique and mindset (more on this below)...

Ultimately I want you to know one thing..

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because 1000’s of people all over the world are doing it right now…

Here are some more results:

And Here's Another Reason You Too Can Do This

It took me over 3 years to "figure this out"...

...and another 10 years to perfect it.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

This means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to download this book and most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…

Here’s The Exact 4-step system Revealed In The Soul Bonding Technique Book For bringing back love and intimacy in your marriage.

  • Step 1 - Making the Decision - Master the art of making a decision you're committed to, then following through”.

  • Step 2 - Implementing the Soul Bonding Technique - “Learn and start using clinically proven strategies for handling arguments, building trust, improving intimacy and so on”.

  • Step 3 - Fixing your Mindset - Work on your inner game with battle-tested self-reflection and manifestation techniques.

  • Step 4 - Level up yourself and improve your marriage - Once you have the entire system implemented, you’ll see your love and intimacy improve automatically.

Those are the 4 Simple Steps to Save Your Marriage

All of this is revealed in the 168 pages of the Soul Bonding Technique ebook step by step.

Making it a counterintuitive approach to Saving your marriage for the person who seeks Love and Intimacy in their relationship.

And that's not all, because...

Here's What Else You're Going To Discover in the Soul Bonding technique E-Book

  • The most powerful way to go from Frustrated to Fulfilled in Your Marriage fast ( So You Can Build a strong foundation for a happy family ) — Page 1

  • The Hidden truth behind falling in love with someone and how it doesn’t happen by chance. — Page 2

  • How only taking One Decision will give you the marriage of your dreams — Page 13

  • The Nature of Trust and how it works in a relationship. — Page 29

  • The most Unsuspecting Way of giving Gifts to your partner that'll have your partner constantly longing for your presence. — Page 50

  • The #1 Change that Practically Guarantees You Experience Love in your relationship. — Page 54

  • Powerful meditation secrets to condition your spiritual side — Page 64

  • The most potent practice that completely transforms your mind. — Page 67

  • The Secrets of manifestation - How to use the raw power of the Universe to get what you want in your marriage — Page 72

  • How to use journaling as a tool to improve your marriage. — Page 73

  • The only way to become the best possible partner for the relationship you’re in - Page 105

  • 50 powerful questions you must ask right now to STRENGTHEN THE BOND between you and your partner. — Page 112

  • The Little Known Trick To Communicate Better with Your Partner (And How To Use It For Your Own Benefit) — Page113

  • How to use Love Languages in a way that practically forces your partner to Fall in love with you — Page 117

  • The Sixth Love Language, no one really talks about — Page 127

  • How Solving the Wrong Problem is Killing Your Marriage (And What To Do Instead) — Page 131

  • The Step-By-Step Process To Solve Fleeting Problems (So You Can Shortcut Your Results)

  • How to Keep romance alive in your marriage — Page 161

And much much more...

We’ll also show you how to build a deeper connection with your partner and fall in love with them every day!

If more love and intimacy in your marriage is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You the Re-Engage Revolution Video Bundle.

What To Do RIGHT NOW If Your Spouse is Distant or "Checked Out"

Inside this bonus training, you’ll discover the process we use to get your spouse invested in your marriage's success.

You've probably tried pursuing them harder, or maybe the opposite "no contact".

In this training, you’ll get a better understanding of how either of the extremes is not the key and Step-by-Step process to start having a conversation with your partner.

What To Do RIGHT NOW If Your Spouse is Distant or "Checked Out"… at NO COST With Today’s Order

Bonus #2

Listening Made Easy

The Definitive Answer on How to Listen When Your Partner Doesn't Want You to "Solve" Their Problem

The next bonus training you’ll receive when you purchase The Soul Bonding is my Simple Solution to “How to listen to your partner”.

Most people in a relationship that isn’t going well have a problem listening to each other.

This training will help you understand why this happens and how to fix it once and for all.

Even if you haven't struggled with it in your marriage, this new understanding will help you truly appreciate your spouse's unique tendencies.

Get this simple solution, use it with the method you’re about to discover in the book or use it to quickly improve the quality of the relationship with your partner.

The Definitive Answer on How to Listen When Your Partner Doesn't Want You to "Solve" Their Problem"… Included for free.

Bonus #3

The Way Back Technique

The Simple Solution to Bring Joy and Nostalgia Back into the Relationship When Things Get Rough.

One thing that you have in your relationship that you share with your partner is your Shared History.

Diving back into those moments that made you laugh, cry, and fall in love…

can be a powerful way to reconnect and build an even stronger foundation for your relationship.

And to not use that to strengthen your present and future can be a big mistake.

So leverage this bonus to use this art to strengthen the bond with your partner.

The Simple Solution to Bring Joy and Nostalgia Back into the Relationship When Things Get Rough.… Included for free with the book.

Bonus #4

The Red Flag Workbook

The 4 Warning Signs You're Headed for Divorce – Clinically Proven to Be 96% Accurate and How to Avoid It

Most people try to navigate their marriage, unsure of where they truly stand.

In this workbook, you’ll discover the 4 signs that your marriage is headed for disaster.

These signs are Clinically Proven to Be 96% Accurate.

You will also learn how to avoid them to have a better married life.

The 4 Warning Signs You're Headed for Divorce – Clinically Proven to Be 96% Accurate and How to Avoid It… free with the book.

After you’ve gotten divorce completely off the table its time to make things interesting, exciting, and fun again so that you’re not just “Parents” but also lovers again.

And Before You Download The Soul Bonding Technique EBook… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $5.00, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating how much I actually do care about your marital success…

And so I can demonstrate to you that yes, I really know what I’m doing, and no, I’m not just another counselor.

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $47, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store them and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I sold the The "Soul Bonding Technique" book for $37 and people downloaded it at that price...

...Which was was great, but then I realised hey - this is an eBook it doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.

By Lowering The Price To $5.00 It Allows Me To Impact More People And Help Them Experience “How infinitely better life becomes when you are in a loving marriage.”

I consider that a true win/win...

Also in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much, that you'll call and ask to take additional classes or training from me. 

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting My “Listening Made Easy” Masterclass.

Which gives you my unique spin on communication, and how you can Non-Forcefully correct it without jumping through the tedious hoops of Traditional Counseling.

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus I’m also including these amazing bonuses valued at $997

- The Red Flag Workbook ($49.99)

You need to know what you’re dealing with, this will tell you exactly what you can expect from the man you married.

- The Way Back Technique ($97.99)

Even if its been years of barely communicating, all it takes is for you to take the first step towards a renewed lifelong honeymoon.

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's …

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World


Here's the world's best guarantee.

Introducing our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Look - let me be real with you:

Here's the world's best guarantee.

Introducing our 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Let me be real with you:

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.

Even though it’s only $5 - you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car, before you drive it off the lot”…

But here’s where I’m different.

Where most people would offer you a 7 day or 14 day guarantee at most…

I’m going to do something you’ve probably never seen before.

I’m going to give you an entire 30 days to read and implement the
Gentle Reconnection Steps Book.

Yep, that’s right.

You have an entire YEAR to download the book, read it out and apply what you learn in there.

Not just a few weeks or a month.

And if you’re not totally blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund at any point in the next 30 days.

We will immediately refund your $5 and let you keep the Gentle Reconnection Steps Book free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty damn good!

All I ask from you is one thing...

I'll give you the TIME - 30 days... as long as you promise to IMPLEMENT the Soul Bonding Secrets system I share.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

Even though it’s only $5 - you worked for that money and it counts.

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car, before you drive it off the lot”…

But here’s where I’m different.

Where most people would offer you a 7 day or 14 day guarantee at most…

I’m going to do something you’ve probably never seen before.

I’m going to give you an entire 30 days to read and implement the
Soul Bonding Technique Book.

Yep, that’s right.

You have an entire YEAR to download the book, read it out and apply what you learn in there.

Not just a few weeks or a month.

And if you’re not totally blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund at any point in the next 30 days.

We will immediately refund your $5 and let you keep the Soul Bonding Technique Book free of charge.

How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty pretty good!

All I ask from you is one thing...

I'll give you the TIME - 30 days... as long as you promise to IMPLEMENT the Soul Bonding Techniques I share.

The BEST Money-Back Guarantee
In The World

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

This Offer Expires on
June 1st, 2024

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I’ll talk to you in our private FB Group that you’ll get instant access to as soon as you download your copy of the Soul Bonding Secrets.

Until then, to your success,

Dr. Jon Dabach

P.S. Remember, The Soul Bonding Technique E-Book comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, get results. 

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Here's What's Included In The Book

  • The most powerful way to go from Frustrated to Fulfilled in Your Marriage fast ( So You Can Build a strong foundation for a happy family )

(Right on the first page!)...

  • The Hidden truth behind falling in love with someone and how it doesn’t happen by chance.

(On second page!)...

  • How only taking One Decision will give you the marriage of your dreams

(Page 13)...

  • The Nature of Trust and how it works in a relationship.

(See page 29)...

  • The most Unsuspecting Way of giving Gifts to your partner that'll have your partner constantly longing for your presence.

(It's on page 50)...

  • The #1 Change that Practically Guarantees You Experience Love in your relationship

(Page 54)...

  • Powerful meditation secrets to condition your spiritual side

(On page 64)...

  • The most potent practice that completely transforms your mind.

(Head to page 67)...

  • The Secrets of manifestation - How to use the raw power of the Universe to get what you want in your marriage

(Page 72)...

  • How to use journaling as a tool to improve your marriage.

(See page 73)...

  • The only way to become the best possible partner for the relationship you’re in

(On page 105)...

  • 50 powerful questions you must ask right now to STRENGTHEN THE BOND between you and your partner

(Page 112)...

  • The Little Known Trick To Communicate Better with Your Partner (And How To Use It For Your Own Benefit)

(Page 113)...

  • How to use Love Languages in a way that practically forces your partner to Fall in love with you

(Page 117)...

  • How Solving the Wrong Problem is Killing Your Marriage (And What To Do Instead)

(Page 131)...

  • How to Keep romance alive in your marriage

(On page 161)...

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Soul Bonding Technique about?

Soul Bonding Technique is a counterintuitive approach to Save Your Marriage. It allows you to Rekindle your relationship with your partner in 8 weeks or less without spending 100’s of hours on counseling or lengthy therapy sessions.

  • How fast can I start seeing results in my marriage?

As soon as you get the Gentle Reconnection Steps, you can expect to see arguments calm down within a few days. You can also expect your partner to have a new-found desire for you in less than a week. All you have to do is implement what I show you.

  • How is this better than therapy?

Couples therapy often takes months to actually show results. This basically leads to you draining your money and your time which could be spent doing things that actually work. Also, you constantly bring up the past over and over again doing more harm than good. The Soul Bonding technique goes straight for the solutions without wasting any time because we know how important your marriage is to you.

  • Are the techniques in the program suitable for all types of relationships?

Yes, the Soul bonding technique has successfully saved 2000+ marriages from falling apart. As you read this, people from all over the world are using this technique to bring back love and intimacy in their marriage. Whether you're in a long-term partnership, newlywed, or considering getting married, these techniques can foster deeper connections and understanding in any relationship.

  • Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the ebook.

  • Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this eBook, but for those who want further assistance, we offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

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Book Reviews

Included Bonuses

Listening Made Easy

Do you feel like you're constantly left unheard in your relationship?

Get your husband to listen to your side of the story, and actually make meaningful change.

Re-Engage Revolution

Your Marriage wasn't meant to be cold and distant. It was meant to be fun, passionate, and intimate.

In this short series I show you exactly how to get your partner back, and invested in your relationship.

Way Back Technique

Learn to leverage your shared love story to strengthen your bond and build excitement for a future with the person you love.

Red Flag Workbook

4 Signs that you relationship is headed towards disaster and how to fix it before its to late.

4 Steps To Reconnecting With Your Partner

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Exclusive Video Training$700,000 Website TemplateQuickstart PDF Guide2 Hour Agency Community7 Day Fast Start Video Series

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Here's Everything You're Getting 
For Only $5.00 Today

Included With Your Order


Discover the steps to taking divorce off the table and healing broken wounds within your relationship.

Included With Your Order


An effective and non clunky approach to being heard, removing defensive walls, and making room for growth.

Included With Your Order


Marriage wasn't meant to be distant and cold, with this short series you'll learn how to bridge the gap with your partner even if its been years of ice cold interactions/

Included With Your Order


Marriage wasn't meant to be distant and cold, with this short series you'll learn how to bridge the gap with your partner even if its been years of ice cold interactions/

Included With Your Order


The 4 Red Flags showing that your Marriage is headed towards disaster, and how to avoid it.

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Only $67 $5.00 Today

(Save $62.00 today) Download The eBook For $67 Just $5.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

"Relationships that are full of love and support are easy, when you know how to do it."

Jon Dabach, Ph.D. - Certified Relationship Expert

Here's a sneak peek Of What's inside the book

"A great marriage is not when the 'perfect couple' comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences."

Dave Meurer

You're Also Getting...


An effective and non clunky approach to being heard, removing defensive walls, and making room for growth.


Now that your relationship is secure it's time to start having fun again. Bring the passion, the spark back.


The 4 Red Flags showing that your Marriage is headed towards disaster, and how to avoid it.

$429 of Actionable value!

(Yours For FREE When You Get The Soul Bonding Technique eBook)

The Soul Bonding Technique E-Book

The Soul Bonding Technique eBook ($37 Value)

Discover the steps to taking divorce off the table and healing broken wounds within your relationship.

Re-Engage Revolution

Re-Engage Revolution ($49 Value)

Now that your relationship is secure it's time to start having fun again. Bring the passion, the spark back.

The Way Back Technique

The Way Back Technique ($197 Value)

Marriage wasn't meant to be distant and cold, with this short series you'll learn how to bridge the gap with your partner even if its been years of ice cold interactions.

Listening Made Easy

Listening Made Easy ($79 Value)

Learn how to maintain a sense of peace, calm, and control without suffocating your husband or coming off like a nag.

The Red Flag Workbook

The Red Flag Workbook ($67 Value)

The 4 Red Flags showing that your Marriage is headed towards disaster, and how to avoid it.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Soul Bonding Technique about?

Soul Bonding Technique is a counterintuitive approach to Save Your Marriage. It allows you to Rekindle your relationship with your partner in 8 weeks or less without spending 100’s of hours on counseling or lengthy therapy sessions.

  • How is this better than therapy?

Couples therapy often takes months to actually show results. This basically leads to you draining your money and your time which could be spent doing things that actually work. Also, you constantly bring up the past over and over again doing more harm than good. The Soul Bonding technique goes straight for the solutions without wasting any time because we know how important your marriage is to you.

  • Do you offer more in-depth help?

Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this eBook, but for those who want further assistance, we offer opportunities to "upgrade" your order after purchasing.

  • How fast can I start seeing results in my marriage?

As soon as you get the Gentle Reconnection Steps, you can expect to see arguments calm down within a few days. You can also expect your partner to have a new-found desire for you in less than a week. All you have to do is implement what I show you.

  • Are the techniques in the program suitable for all types of relationships?

Yes, the Soul bonding technique has successfully saved 2000+ marriages from falling apart. As you read this, people from all over the world are using this technique to bring back love and intimacy in their marriage. Whether you're in a long-term partnership, newlywed, or considering getting married, these techniques can foster deeper connections and understanding in any relationship.

  • Is there a guarantee?

Yes, you get a 30-day money-back guarantee in case it's not for you. I even let you keep the ebook.

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We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or prevent any divorce with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future divorce preventions, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any case studies referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average results, exact results, or promises for actual or future prevention of divorce. Use caution and always consult your therapist, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your relationship. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.